
Money Makin' Email Course Sequence

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Get the sequence that will convert your readers to customers in a little as 10 days.

(even if you've never written an email before).

So, you're ready to start building that email list aye?

You're looking to spend less time going back and forth with leads.

Automate your sales funnel so you can spend more time with your clients & building your business.

But here's the thing:

  • You don't know what to put in your emails
  • You don't want to write emails for nothing
  • You don't want your emails to go unread

Here's something else:

Most people who start an email list won't last longer than a few months.

They jump into it excitedly. Thinking "build it, and they will come."

Then a month passes.

Two months.

By month three - they've thrown in the towel becuase all they're getting is... nothing.

No engagment, and no ROI.

And then poof, you disapear from your audiences mind.

I know this because I've done it, and it's the same thing most of my clients are struggling with.

If you don't get this sequence right, you'll end up in the spam folder, with a ruined email sender reputation.

You won't make any money.

You won't get any replies.

You won't improve your business.

You'll have just wasted a bunch of time for nothing... Again.

But, I am here to tell you it DOES NOT have to be like that.

Want to know what makes a subscriber on your email list so special?

They opted-in because they want to hear more from you.

Read that again.

Look at these stats from my sequence:

HUNDREDS of people were reading and buying from my first sequence.

  • If you're looking to have a steady stram of leads and clients, on auto-pilot.
  • If you want to make sales 24/7/365 - even while you're on vacay.
  • If you want true freedom, the freedom of time.
  • Make $5-$10K a month with JUST emails.

I've got here for you my BEST PERFORMING EMAIL COURSE SEQUENCE responsible for bringing me steady income.

These are some of the sales I generated soon after launching my FIRST email course sequence.

An email course is the ONE thing that will convert a reader into a paying client in 10 days or less.

Without one, you're leaking money everywhere.

You can start making money THIS WEEK with emails.

I'm giving you my exact plug-and-play template WITH subject lines you can put right into your own email list.

(Plus as a BONUS, I'm throwing in 80 of my favorite subject lines, responsible for helping me double my old 9-5 salary in just 30 weeks.)

I'll give you ideas on how to enhance the emails, what to send after the course to boost sales, and create FOMO for your readers, and even ideas on where to direct your readers next.

All for just $57 $10

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9 emails that helped generate 4 figures a week
Plug-and-play templates to turn your readers into clients
80 proven-to-open subject lines
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Money Makin' Email Course Sequence

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