
Email Templates: Templates To Go from 0 to 3 Inbound Leads PER DAY In Less Than 90 Days

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Get the exact 53 templates that got me from 0 to 3 Inbound leads, PER DAY, and monetized my newsletter in just 3 months.

If you want to fly past your sales goals in record time, write open-worthy emails, and NEVER have to think about how to start your newsletter...

...then the Email Newsletter Templates are a no-brainer for you.

When I first started, I had zero conversions from my emails.

It was the beginning of 2023,

I was about to graduate college, and I had 3 failed business attempts racked up already.

I tried it all:

  • Digital art
  • Paid ads
  • Meta marketing
  • SMM
  • You name it, I did it.

I was sick of failing, and I was desperate for a solution that was actually going to PAY OFF.

I had 40 LinkedIn followers, wasn't active, had no personal brand, never wrote a newsletter in my life.

As an entrepreneur on LinkedIn, and just in general, I needed at least one BIG buy a month to get by, and pay my bills. It was CHALLENGING, I knew I needed a way to reach my audience consistently, educating them on my offers, my niche authority, and what value and outcomes I could bring for them through my services.

I was brand new to the game, so I knew I needed to figure out a way to bring a unique take on my niche.

I did that in my content, and was getting great engagement.

The problem?

Not all of my audience was seeing my posts, not all of them were seeing my offer.

And let's face it, we never know what is going to happy with social media platforms, they're shaky at best, always changing. I was working with a "rented" audience, I knew I needed a way to engage with them more consistently, in long-form, to be able to teach them.

I had my "aha" moment finally.

Starting a newsletter, but not just any newsletter.

A newsletter so good, packed with so much value and my own personality, my audience wouldn't be able to resist.

So, I did just that.

And in the process, I studied the best newsletters, researched about every ESP out there, learned to write killer long-form copy that actually converts, I literally spent 100's over hours dedicated to mastering the craft.

And I did.

That's why I created these Email Newsletter Templates

Jump to this year:

  • 3 inbound leads daily (all from my newsletter)
  • 82% open rate
  • Dozens of new subscribers everday
  • Dedicated and ENGAGED readers
  • 100's of warm leads I can email ANY time I want to give a new offer

All from using these templates.

I know what you're thinking:

"Yeah yeah, that all sounds cool, but what's in it for me?"

For any entrepreneur/business owner, the first step to getting a sale is building a relationship.

(Did you know it takes people around 7 hours of consuming your content to even consider buying? ... Something to think about while you consider building your newsletter.)

Getting your audience to that 7 hours has never been more difficult in today's literal sea of social media platforms.

With all the thousands of creators, how likely is it that your audience will always see your offers, and get that personal time with you to build a real relationship?


But nailing down how to write a newsletter, that doubles as a killer lead magnet, and an automated sales funnel can take a LONG time.

And chances are, since you're so busy running your business - you just don't have the time to execute all of the work is takes to build a good one.

I'm gonna go out on a whim here and just guess you haven't spent much time dabbling in email marketing.

A few months ago I thought, "Why don't I just turn all of my best emails into templates that other business owners can use... no matter what industry they're in? And only the ones that have seen a really high open rate (80% or above)

Now, you can use jump on these templates & the hours invested into them, and start your newsletter with proven templates. With full confidence.

To stay top of mind and build an unbreakable relationship with your audience, you don't need to:

  • Keep doing guess work
  • Post twice a day on LinkedIn
  • DM people like crazy with your offers
  • Cold outreach for hours a day

No matter what niche you're in, you will for SURE get use and value out of all these templates.

They've been hand-crafted to show off your personality, build niche authority, talk directly to your audience, and generate more leads with half the work (for you even less since all you have to do is plug-and-play)


I've taken the liberty of throwing in several bonuses worth over $500 in value:

But you get them FREE!

Bonus #1: 120 pre-written subject lines

Everyone always talks about how content is king, and if that's true... Then in the world of email marketing - subject lines are queen.

Think of them as your first handshake

The one chance you get to get your email opened

The subject lines are segmented based on when and why you're sending the email to ensure you're nailing down the messaging every. Single. Time.

"Cool cool, but I can't even get people to subscribe to my newsletter."

I got you boo, I am giving you TWO more bonuses geared at the specific problem:

Bonus #2: 30 irresistable hook templates to drive readers to subscribe + my own hook prompt for ChatGPT

Your newsletter is nothing without it's readers

That's why

I've built 30 irresistable hook templates for anyone in any niche to help drive readers to your newsletter

PLUS I'm giving you my very own ChatGPT promp I use to help me make them.

NEVER have to think about how to get readers again.

Oh and just cause I'm cool like that: I'm adding a mini bonus: 5 content templates to also drive readers to your newsletter.

But you're hooks & content are only half the game, your profile needs to continue driving people once they click on it.

Truth? 90% of every one that visits your profile won't scroll, that's why my next bonus is aimed at optimizing your top sections:

Bonus #3: Graphic templates to help optimze your profile

There is nothing worse than getting a TON of profile views and zero conversions

Your banner needs to drive the visitor to scroll down, to TAKE ACTION

That's why I'm giving you 3 graphic templates specifically designed to build your personal brand & drive your audience to take action by visual appeal that BUILDS TRUST.

And if you're still feeling unsure about your newsletter and content strategy, you can pick my brain anytime you want to help guide you on your journey.

Let's do some math here:

5 email templates = $500 in value

Graphic templates = $150 in value

Hook templates = $50 in value

120 subject lines = $150 in value

Content templates = $50 in value

= $800 in total value!

But you're gonna get ALL of this for just $57

That's more than 90% off, CRAZY right!?

I know, I don't know why I'm so generous either 😉

Here's the idea:

  • We aren't here for short-term results, your newsletter is for the long game
  • You're building something you can OWN forever
  • I'm here for you: access me and pick my brain anytime for some feedback and guidance.

You just need to email for a refund if you're not stoked in 120 days. - No hard feelings. The only deal? You have to show me you actually tried to use them. It's only fair.

As a reminder, you'll be getting:

  1. Ten Proven Email Templates: Whether you're building authority in your niche or selling digital products, these templates are your secret weapon for driving leads and sealing sales.
  2. Thirty 'Can't-Ignore' Hook Templates: Watch your newsletter subscriber rate JUMP with these guys, they're absolutely irresistable.
  3. 120 'Open-Me-Now' Subject Lines: Say goodbye to the 'unread' graveyard. These subject lines are your ticket to sky-high open rates.
  4. Custom Graphics for Your Brand: Make your emails and profiles pop. These graphics aren't just pretty; they're strategic, driving traffic and turning casual readers into paying customers.
  5. Launch Content That Wows: Start your newsletter with a bang.

So if you want to:

  • Get rid of the guess work of creating your newsletter
  • Save literally HUNDREDS of hours of work
  • Get double the leads and land more sales with HALF the work

Get this bad boy while he's hot!

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You'll get: A welcome sequence template (5 emails), 120 subject lines, 100 hook templates, graphic templates for your: banner, newsletter, and featured section, & content templates for launching your newsletter + personalized feedback from me!

A Seqence of 5 Email Templates
Graphic Templates
30 Hook Templates
120 Subject Lines
Content Templates
ChatGPT Prompt
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Email Templates: Templates To Go from 0 to 3 Inbound Leads PER DAY In Less Than 90 Days

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